Foofy is a Long Hair Domestic. She has been shaven before hence why the hair is not as long but her 1st time with me. She had her fur shaved down, nails clipped, ears cleaned and a wash n blow dry. — at Kylies Cat Grooming Services.

Foofy is a Long Hair Domestic. She has been shaven before hence why the hair is not as long but her 1st time with me. She had her fur shaved down, nails clipped, ears cleaned and a wash n blow dry. — at Kylies Cat Grooming Services.

Foofy is a Long Hair Domestic. She has been shaven before hence why the hair is not as long but her 1st time with me.
She had her fur shaved down, nails clipped, ears cleaned and a wash n blow dry. — at Kylies Cat Grooming Services.

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